
Showing posts from July, 2017

Essential Oils and Your Hair

Essential oils have been prized by humanity for thousands of years; the wise men even gifted baby Jesus with frankincense and myrrh. You may already love essential oils, and use them in various ways in your daily life, but have your tried them to support your healthy hair? Essential Oil Basics for Your Hair Healthy living, following a good hair care routine, and having a fabulous hair stylist, all are key to great hair. But, what else could add to maintaining that beautiful head of hair? Chances are, you have already purchased a hair care product that has been scented or infused with essential oils, since the benefits of oils are widely recognized. By finding or making your own products, you can pinpoint your hair’s needs, from shampoos, conditioners, styling products and even hair perfumes!    One simple way essential oils can be incorporated and it’s totally DIY, is by simply adding a few drops to a gentle scalp massage. If you are concerned with the strength of the oil, a

Practice Yoga to Benefit Your Hair?

What are the characteristics of gorgeous hair? Gorgeous hair is shiny, strong, easy to manage, and compliments all of your other beautiful qualities, including your confidence! The first step to getting that gorgeous hair is to know that your hair is supported from inside and outside of the body! You may already love yoga for the strength, balance, and flexibility it provides, but what if I told you it could also help you have healthier hair too? Yoga, with it’s focus on breathing, increasing oxygen flow, and inverting the body, can improve and support a healthy scalp and hair growth. If you haven’t yet tried yoga, or your mat is tucked into the back of your closet, I encourage you to wait no longer to give it a try! Let’s take a look at how regular exercise, like yoga, can maximize you and your lovely locks! Yoga and your hair:  Yoga is well known for its many health benefits, like encouraging balanced breathing, increasing blood flow, lowering stress, relieving fatigue,

New Year, Better You

   Although it seems quite a bit warmer than normal this time of year, the crazy weather doesn't keep the days from coming, going, and passing right by. Whether we like it or not, it is that time of year again that everyone starts setting their New Year's Resolutions, and we thought we would not only just give you some not-so-cliche ideas, but some health benefits, for a healthier you, behind these ideas. Enjoy! Try one new recipe a week - trying out one new recipe a week not only gives you a well deserved reason to call yourself a self-taught chef, but cooking actually gives you a "eustress", which is a beneficial stress, giving you a sense of fulfillment. Do something for yourself once a day - Take this year to focus more on you, not in the self-absorbed way, but in a better-yourself type way. Try doing things like taking a relaxing bath, taking 10 minutes out of your schedule to just be by yourself to relax, meditate, or reading your favorite book.     S

Reasons for Hair Loss


12 Cures for Lifeless Hair

Many hair related problems like hair loss, rough and dull hair, split ends and breakage,  arise due to lack of proper hair care.  But there are also illnesses and treatments that no product or treatment can prevent hair loss during or after. Fortunately, there are things you can do to help prevent breakage, dry and dull hair, and also as if you have had hair loss due to illness, there are ways to help your hair grow back.  One of the first steps in hair-care is your diet and the two most important things in your diet are iron and protein. Hair cells are the fastest growing cells in the body, they are also the first ones to be affected if you don’t eat right.  Hair is not required for our survival so with deficiencies, hair is the first to suffer.    Eat a healthy, well-balanced diet of proper food and consume excess water to prevent hair breakage. Lean proteins, fruits, raw vegetables, whole grains, legumes, omega-3 fatty acids found in salmon or flaxseed oil and dairy products w

How to Choose Your Queen C Hair Extensions


10 Reasons to Wear Crown Jewels Extensions

Order Here Even though it is one of our best-selling collections, you may not know  all  of the amazing things about our Crown Jewels Clip-In Extensions. Today, we want you to know more than just the obvious of why you will love Crown Jewels Extensions as much as we do! 1.  Instant length, thickness, and volume Order Here Not only is it fun picking your shade, you can also pick which length and weight you want your hair to be! You can choose between: 18 inches – 140 grams 20 inches – 180 grams 22 inches- 220 grams Who says you can’t get  exactly  what you want when it comes to hair extensions?! To learn more about “grams”  Click Here 2.  Some of our colors are  exclusive , and you can’t find them  anywhere else! Order Here Several shades in our Crown Jewels Collection are exclusive to us  only , which means the Queen hand-picked and designed these shades herself to make gorgeous colors available only at 3.  Great price! You ca

10 Reasons to Wear AIRess Extensions

There are no other hair extensions like it anywhere else, so we can see why you could be unsure as to why our AIRess Collection is so great. We are here to give you all the amazing reasons we love (and know you will love) this exclusive hair extension collection! We know the struggle that so many have when it comes to creating fullness in fine and/or thin hair. The AIRess Collection was designed specially for you! Those with the issue of limp, flat, fine hair are the ones that actually NEED extensions but there was just nothing on the market that looked natural, or didn’t show.  Until now!!  Get your confidence back, have that hairstyle you didn’t think possible, give your hair what it has been missing. The AIRess Collection is a Queen C Hair Exclusive. 1. Made especially for thin/fine textured hair Kellye Bomb Blonde – Shop Here With only 70 grams in weight, the AIRess Extensions have plenty of hair on each weft to add volume  and  length. With a traditional set of cl