
Showing posts from January, 2018

Are you Good with You? - From the Heart of a Queen

Do you ever truly stop and evaluate your life? Not monetarily, but how you live day by day.  Not by Facebook or Instagram standards either. That’s the complete world of fakeness!  What is the inner you? If there were no social media would you be ok with yourself?! How you treat people, do you do things just to make a “post”. Do you think the world is truly that interested in you? I have had to ask myself these questions also. If we really knew how little people think about us once they scroll past that picture that took us 20 shots and 10 filters to get, we may not waste so much time doing it.   I just want to be the best ME I can be without comparing myself to others or trying to live up to the wonderful world of photoshop (not that there is anything wrong with that 😂) and superficial people that are only there when you are doing something for them.  This is not a blog aimed at anyone. I don’t really even know why I created this article. I was deleting pictures off my phone an

2018 Is The Year for Confidence

con·fi·dence:  a feeling of self-assurance arising from one's appreciation of one's own abilities or qualities. Confidence is in every one of us.  We all have the ability to bring it to it's full potential.  With it being a New Year, it is time to be your best you. You always hear people say, "confidence is key!".  Sure, everyone knows that and uses the phrase whether they mean it or not.  Confidence can be a difficult thing to come by though (especially after the few extra holiday pounds, am I right??), and every single person that walks this earth struggles with it in some degree.  The good news?  There are so many ways to boost your confidence from positive thinking to even things that make you feel beautiful on the outside, too. We asked forty women of all different personalities what makes them feel confident, and here were the results: 4 out of 40 said killer shoes and a great outfit 2 out of 40 said believing in a higher power 15 o